Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I cleaned the house for you a bit before school. It made me late.  I had intended to do much more but you left later than usual.  I hate that the boys ar emore like me than you and so the house is constantly a mess. It isn't fair.
I pray that the boys and I will be better about tidying up after ourselves.  Finishing projects and putting stuff away.
I pray that today was a good one for you. and that tomorrow will be even better.
I pray for good sleep for us both tonight.
I pray that the boys were good influences and that they are doing and will continue to do their work well.
I pray that all of us will dive more deeply into our quiet times and that God will speak to us in them.
May we seek purpose instead of merely surviving our days away.
I pray you and Levi can find some common ground in the classroom. 
Love you!

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