Monday, October 26, 2009

I am grateful that you are running and that you are being so faithfull in doing the power 90.  I hope it contiues to benefit us both so that we will be healthier for longer, and also have an influence on the bnoys that we can be proud of for many years to come.
I pray for you today, that you day will go smoothly. Especially since Ms. Stine is gone. I pray the kids will behave in Music, that it will be a joy for you not a chore and drudgery.  I pray for our energy levels for the week. our time management. our quiet times. 
love you

Monday, October 12, 2009


I am sorry you feel so depressed.  I wish I knew what to do to help.
I pray that you will be able to find confidence in yourself.  That you will find satisfaction in Christ.
I pray you will turn to God and his word, knowing it is the only way free from these feelings.

I pray your day will go smoothly today. That time will be slow during your breaks, that you might get your work done much earlier. I pray that Levi and MArley and Alexis will behave, and that Jon will be able to focus all day.

love you

Monday, October 5, 2009

a prayer

I pray that your day will be great. That you and Levi will get a long without any confrontations today. That he will do his work when and how he should (the first time asked) I pray that the music kids will dive in and participate. I pray that you will enjoy teaching today, that it will make you happy instead of frustrated.  I pray that you will have fun with Amy tonight when the Grays come over.  I pray for our family, that we will spend more time togetherm that we can get our budget worked out and stick to it, that we can get our credit under control and figure out a way to be plugged in to a church.  THat we will be good examples to the boys in every aspect of life, especially in faith. 
Love you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I cleaned the house for you a bit before school. It made me late.  I had intended to do much more but you left later than usual.  I hate that the boys ar emore like me than you and so the house is constantly a mess. It isn't fair.
I pray that the boys and I will be better about tidying up after ourselves.  Finishing projects and putting stuff away.
I pray that today was a good one for you. and that tomorrow will be even better.
I pray for good sleep for us both tonight.
I pray that the boys were good influences and that they are doing and will continue to do their work well.
I pray that all of us will dive more deeply into our quiet times and that God will speak to us in them.
May we seek purpose instead of merely surviving our days away.
I pray you and Levi can find some common ground in the classroom. 
Love you!

Monday, September 28, 2009


I am praying for you today, that you will rest very well; that your grades will enter quickly/without problems; for your patience; that you will enjoy teaching tomorrow. That it will be fun and that you will smile. I am praying for Levi and Tyler, that t ey will be influencers instead of followers, and that they will lead well. I pray for you and Levi to get along tomorrow. I love you.